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Hajj and Umrah Vaccination


If you are planning to participate in the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage, you must have received vaccination against meningococcal meningitis within the last 3 years and at least 10 days before your arrival.

The Saudi government requires that all adults and children aged two and over be vaccinated with a quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine (A, C W135 and Y). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not issue Hajj or Umrah visas without proof of meningococcal vaccination at least 10 days and no more than 3 years before arrival for polysaccharide vaccine and no more than 8 years before arrival for conjugate vaccine.

Pharmacist at Calgary Travel Clinics can administer you and your family with meningococcal vaccine after necessary risk assessment and will provide you with the documentation required by Saudi Government. Our pharmacist can also provide you with a full assessment to ensure all your vaccinations are up to date. Call us at 403-453-9194 or visit at www.calgarytravelclinics.com to book an appointment.